TFNR - Terminological conventions
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Evolutionary Physics is based on a network of specific concepts. Terms like Force, Field, Existence, Universe, Information, Structures, Forms, etc. start with capital letters to distinguish them from the traditional scientific terminology.
Fundaments of Reality
- SO: Source of Reality (SO = [FF |*| EF])
- FF: Fundamental Force (in its two ways of expression: FF ES [or ES] and FF REL [or REL])
- EF: Elementary Field
- EE: Elementary Events (SO = [FF ES |*| EF] -> EE) (the most elementary form of Existence)
- EA: Elementary Action (EE inhomogeneities = EA: PERT, TRASL, ROT [ROT CH and ROT SP] )
- STEM: space-time (metric + gravitational) field + electromagnetic field = STEM field
- INFO: Information (= Energy, in low complexity levels of Reality) ( [FF REL |*| EA] -> INFO )
- STR: Structures of Information
- WS: Waves (dynamic structures of Information)
- VS: Vortices (conservative structures of Information)
- FORM: Essence of Reality, the Form
- FORMS: the objects of Reality
Fundamental Principles
- UN: Uncertainty principle
- AR: Action and Reaction principle
- MA: Minimum Action principle
- RE: Relation principle
- EQ: Equivalence principle (distributions of el. fluctuations, mass, temperature, velocity, etc)
- IN: Individuation principle
Operators of Reality
- Fundamental Operators of Reality
- ES: Existential operator of Reality (the FF in its creative manifestations -> Existence)
- REL: Relational operator of Reality (the FF in its evolutive manifestations -> Essence/Form)
- Derived Operators of Reality
- Level of Elementary Action: PER = Perturbation, TRA = Translation, ROT = Rotation
- Level of Information: ORG =Organization, TRF = Transformation, SEL = Selection
- Level of the Structures of Information: WAV = Wave, VOR = Vortex, INT = Interaction
Dynamics of Reality
- ED: Evolutionary Dynamics (it studies the Process of Formation of Reality)
- EED: Elementary Evolutionary Dynamics (part of ED that studies the most el. levels of R.) -> GR
- SED: Structures (of Information) Evolutionary Dynamics -> QM (Quantum Mechanics)
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