TFNR - The global vision
There is something more than what our eyes and our instruments can see in the Universe. There is something more in the cosmos and more in the deep, far beyond the huge cosmic structures hidden in the darkness and beyond the tiny sub-atomic particles that we smash up in our accelerators. And maybe these two things at the extreme limits of our Universe, in macro and in the micro, are the same thing. Something that our minds can try to reach, before our instruments can capture it.
In this research, we will try to access a level of Reality that only indirectly we can observe, but which, besides representing the ontological foundation of all that exists, is fundamental for understanding the entities and the immensity of the phenomena that determine the entire dynamics of the Universe.
In this model, that level is what unifies Nature, under the increasing complexity of Reality, both the physical and the cognitive. It is the level in which space and time incessantly form from the tiny fluctuations of the Elementary Field under the pressure of the Fundamental Force, the two aspects of the Source, in the inner interaction that incessantly create the Physical Reality.
This is not a mystical, supernatural vision, nor science fiction. This is force, field, events, action, interactions, relations through probability distributions of the fundamental stochastic processes of events, that become the fundamental physical quantities: mass, motion, charge and spin. And from these quantities that represent the physical information (in the physical lowest levels, we call them “energy”, then quantum information, etc.), in an evolutionary process of organization and individuation, structures of information emerge from the previous levels of Reality. We call these structures “quantum objects”, the waves and particles of Quantum Mechanics and the Standard Model of particles. And more, level after level, up to atoms, molecules, to the “objects” of we see in the world: ordinary matter in its various states, so rocks, planets, stars, galaxies, clusters, the whole physical Universe.
And even more… From the arising complexity of inorganic matter, a more complex level of Reality can emerge, with its strong implication for the appearance of life in the Universe. It is the level of the organic matter, with its increasingly complex level of organization that can start the evolutive processes we see at work in Nature.
Evolution as a more complex form of creation. An incessant process of evolution (Action that takes more and more complex form, Information, In-form-action) that bases itself on an incessant process of creation (the emergence of the Elementary Events, of the Elementary Action).
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