TFNR - Sources and Agency
Agency is the fundamental property of the Sources. It is the capacity to produce Action.
Agency - Agents - Acted - Action
It can be observed through two different perspectives:
- causality: is the main expression of Agents/Forces
- variationality (spatiality and temporality): these are the main expressions of Acted/Fields (spatiality and temporality are different dimensions of expression, but we will always observe them as a unity). In facts, their manifestation in the incessant construction of Reality is always unitarian, as is the product of their manifestation: the space-time (in an extended form, able to support not only mass and motion, with the related gravitational and cinematic phenomena, but even charge and spin, with the related electric and magnetic phenomena.
Agents (Forces), as seen above, are the active sides of the Sources.
Acted (Fields), their passive sides.
Action (Events) is the product of the inner interaction between Agents and Acted (applications of Forces on Fields that produce Events), the manifestation of Sources, the main expression of Agency.
It is no coincidence that the physical quantity we call Action has the dimensions of Force x Space x Time. Product of the fundamental dimensionality of Reality: Causality (Force), Variationality (Spatiality / Space, Temporality / Time). Causality as the active aspect of the Agency, Variationality (Spatiality and Temporality) its passive aspect, expressions of the Force and the Field, in the unity of the Primary Source and of each Derivative Source.
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