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Se l'espansione dell'Universo vi affascina ma non avete basi di astrofisica, meglio iniziare dalla Relatività. Un buon libro è Relatività. Esposizione divulgativa. | Se l'espansione dell'Universo vi affascina ma non avete basi di astrofisica, meglio iniziare dalla Relatività. Un buon libro è Relatività. Esposizione divulgativa. | ||
+ | |||
+ | Observations of the missing baryons in the warm–hot intergalactic medium | ||
+ | https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-018-0204-1 | ||
+ | https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-018-05432-2?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+nature%2Frss%2Fcurrent+%28Nature+-+Issue%29 | ||
+ | L'universo è 'completo', trovata nei gas la massa mancante | ||
+ | http://www.ansa.it/canale_scienza_tecnica/notizie/spazio_astronomia/2018/06/20/luniverso-e-completo-trovata-nei-gas-la-massa-mancante-_566f0a47-4566-432f-a94c-8ebaaf4b605e.html | ||
+ | |||
+ | 2018-07-04 | PAUL VOSTEEN | ||
+ | https://greenbankobservatory.org/dense-neutron-stars-fall-like-a-feather/ | ||
+ | |||
+ | https://chopra.com/articles/appreciating-om-the-sound-of-the-universe | ||
+ | Appreciating OM: The Sound of the Universe | ||
+ | By Roger Gabriel (Raghavanand) | ||
+ | |||
+ | Most of us are familiar with the mantra OM. We routinely chant it at the end of a group meditation or a yoga class, without thinking much about it. Maybe we use a mantra that begins with OM, but what does it really represent? What is the true value of this all-powerful sound? | ||
+ | The Creation of the Universe According to Sound | ||
+ | Science tells us that the Universe began with a big bang, whereas Vedanta says that the big bang is actually a big OM, which didn’t just happen once; it is ongoing. In fact, if the OM stopped for even a micro second, the whole Universe as we know it would disappear instantly! OM rises from Pure Consciousness, which is primary and underlies all existence, constantly unfolding as our experience of the Universe. | ||
+ | Imagine, if you can, a time before the Universe existed. Imagine a field of Pure Consciousness, an eternal silence. Not an empty silence, but one filled with the potential for everything. At some point, Pure Consciousness decided it wanted to have an experience but, as nothing else existed, it could only experience itself. Because all experiences are based on contrast, Pure Consciousness had to move within itself to experience itself. | ||
+ | Now, movement creates friction, and friction creates noise, so Pure Consciousness experiencing itself created a sound. However, Pure Consciousness, by definition, is silent, so this sound, which was OM, had to be forced out of the silence and became what we call conditioned consciousness. OM, or conditioned consciousness, is what we experience as the Universe in which we live. | ||
+ | The idea that God created the world out of nothing is also central today to Islam, Christianity, and Judaism—and many references to a god creating the Universe by sound (words) exist. In the Old Testament God created through His words when He said, “Let there be Light.” The Gospel of John says, “In the beginning was the Word (the sound of OM), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God (Oneness).” | ||
+ | The Expanding Universe | ||
+ | As the initial vibration of OM emerges from the unmanifest, it diversifies into all the different vibrations of the Universe, which manifest as the world we know.OM therefore contains within it all the mantras, sounds, and vibrations of the Universe. Everything in the Universe is a manifestation of OM and ultimately a reflection of Pure Consciousness from which it emerged. OM is the collective sound of the Universe, the Primordial Sound. | ||
+ | The Secret Doctrine of the Rosicrucians says, “The One becomes Many, the Unity becomes Diversity, the Identical becomes Variety, yet the Many remains One.” The Gospel of John says, “The Word became flesh” (manifest creation). In Egyptian literature the creator god pronounced the names of everything. | ||
+ | Modern science tells us the Universe is expanding. Vedanta tells us that our Consciousness, or Awareness, expands as we grow towards Enlightenment. The Quran states, “And the heaven (space) We created with might, and indeed We are (its) expander.” | ||
+ | If, as Vedanta tells us, the Universe is a projection of our Consciousness, then the so-called expansion of the Universe is contingent on our spiritual growth, and at the moment of our Enlightenment, the Universe will also reach the conclusion of its journey and cease to exist as a separate reality. | ||
+ | Vedic References | ||
+ | OM is mentioned numerous times throughout Vedic literature, most commonly in its original form of AUM. | ||
+ | The four principle Vedas, Rig, Sama, Yajur, and Atharva, expound on the knowledge of the entire creation. It is said that all the knowledge of the four Vedas is contained in the Rig and all the knowledge of the Rig Veda is contained in its first syllable “A”. Thus by fully understanding this first syllable, which is the beginning of the mantra AUM, we can have knowledge of the entire creation. According to the ancient Puranic texts, AUM represents the union of the three main masculine deities and the forces within the Universe. “A” means Brahma (creation), “U” means Vishnu (maintenance), and “M” means Shiva (destruction). In the great Indian text the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna (the Divine) says, “Of words I am OM.” | ||
+ | The Chandogya Upanishad opens with the recommendation to "let a man meditate on OM, the essence of all.” The Chandogya Upanishad also tells us that the gods took the song of OM unto themselves, thinking, "with this [song] we shall overcome the demons,” thus implying that OM inspires the good inclinations within each person. | ||
+ | When speaking of OM, the Katha Upanishad says, “this syllable is Brahman (the Absolute), this syllable is the highest, he who knows that syllable, whatever he desires, is his.” | ||
+ | The Shvetashvatara Upanishad asserts that OM is a tool of meditation that empowers one to know the God within oneself, to realize one's Atman (Soul, Self). | ||
+ | Adi Shankara said that if you can only study one Upanishad, it should be the Mandukya, which is fortunate because it happens to be the shortest and is devoted entirely to OM. It opens by declaring, "AUM, this syllable is this whole world, all past, present, future, and whatever exists beyond time is AUM.” In other words, everything that exists in manifest creation is contained within AUM. The Mandukya Upanishad then talks about four states of consciousness: | ||
+ | 1. The “waking state,” where the senses are turned outward, is represented by the letter “A” and by knowing this, we become masters of our senses, leading to the fulfillment of all desires and the attainment of greatness. | ||
+ | 2. The “dream state,” where the senses are directed inward, is represented by “U” and by knowing this we master our dreams, become established in wisdom, and everyone born into our family is more deeply Brahman (highly evolved). | ||
+ | 3. “Deep sleep,” where consciousness enjoys peace with no perception of external or internal objects, is represented by the letter “M.” The Mandukya says that by knowing this we know all, and everything merges into ourselves. In his Yoga Sutras, Patanjali says that Mmmm is the name of God, and in Psalms it says, “God gives Truth to His beloved in sleep.” | ||
+ | 4. The fourth state described in the Mandukya Upanishad is Turiya, which we know as Transcendental Consciousness, Atman, the soundless aspect of AUM, or the “gap” between thoughts. Turiya is represented by “AUM.” Though it is indivisible, it is the combination of three sounds. The Mandukya tells us that AUM is the very Self, beyond birth and death, the symbol of everlasting Joy. He who knows it as such, enters the Self with his self. Those who know the Truth become the Truth. | ||
+ | Chanting OM | ||
+ | As OM is the sound of the Universe, it’s always present, so technically we can’t chant it. We cannot create OM by a chanting of it; we only produce a vibration sympathetic with the vibration that is already there, which is OM. It is not a chant made by us, created by us, or initiated by us. Rather, we establish a connection between ourselves and the Supreme Reality, which manifests itself as sound vibration in the form of OM. | ||
+ | An alternative way of chanting OM is in its separate form. In one breath chant, “Aaaa—Uooo—Mmm,” followed by silence. The fullness of the “A” sound collapses into “U,” then “M,” and finally the silence of all three together once they have ended on the gross level. The waking, dreaming, and deep sleep states merging into the Oneness of the Absolute. | ||
+ | When OM is part of our mantra, such as in Primordial Sound Meditation, we experience the fully expanded level of creation, attuning our individual souls to the Ultimate Reality. | ||
+ | Listen | ||
+ | Sometimes, if you sit very quietly, you will hear the sound of OM, like a distant cosmic hum. Listen within you; it’s not outside you, it is you. | ||
+ | When your mind is quiet and you listen, you will hear God humming. | ||
+ | |||
+ | Da <https://chopra.com/articles/appreciating-om-the-sound-of-the-universe> |
Revision as of 17:57, 2 June 2019
Come evolveranno l’Universo e la Realtà?
Nel Processo di Formazione della Realtà, al livello dell’Informazione che rappresenta il motore evolutivo della Realtà stessa, sono all’opera due forze, due processi concorrenti: l’operatore Organizzazione (rappresentato dai processi antientropici – creazione di Informazione più complessa – aumento di complessità) e l’operatore Trasformazione (processi entropici – distruzione di Informazione complessa – diminuzione di complessità). Il bilancio del processo caos-ordine dell’Universo è orientato verso livelli crescenti di organizzazione, tendenza alla creazione di sempre maggiore Informazione, sempre più complessa. Come conseguenza, nell’Universo dovrebbe proseguire l’attuare accelerazione dell’espansione cosmica legata all’aumento del tasso di formazione di materia ordinaria e all’incremento dei profili di densità delle bolle di matteria oscura.
in base alla famosa legge di Hubble, l'Universo in cui viviamo è in costante espansione, per effetto della spinta propulsiva dovuta al Big Bang, per cui in qualunque punto dell'Universo ci si metta (mi dispiace ma dovrete rassegnarvi al fatto che non occupiamo alcun posto speciale nel Cosmo) si vedranno le galassie allontanarsi dal punto di osservazione. Maggiore è la distanza da cui si osserva, maggiore sarà la velocità di recessione, proporzionalmente a una quantità nota come costante di Hubble (H).
Espansione dell'Universo, nuova ricerca per vederci chiaro
di Antonio D'Isanto
13 Settembre 2017, 11:00
fonte Nature
Dei numerosi misteri del Cosmo, ce n'è uno che turba enormemente gli scienziati, forse ancor più di quello che riguarda la ben nota materia oscura, con la quale condivide parte del nome. Mi riferisco in effetti alla sfuggente ed enigmatica energia oscura.
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Scoperta alla fine degli anni '90, questa forma di energia è la responsabile dell'espansione accelerata dell'Universo, oltre che di circa il 70% del suo contenuto. Ma andiamo con ordine. Come ricorderete, in base alla famosa legge di Hubble, l'Universo in cui viviamo è in costante espansione, per effetto della spinta propulsiva dovuta al Big Bang, per cui in qualunque punto dell'Universo ci si metta (mi dispiace ma dovrete rassegnarvi al fatto che non occupiamo alcun posto speciale nel Cosmo) si vedranno le galassie allontanarsi dal punto di osservazione. Maggiore è la distanza da cui si osserva, maggiore sarà la velocità di recessione, proporzionalmente a una quantità nota come costante di Hubble (H).
Costante di Hubble In base a quanto si sapeva fino a circa vent'anni fa, era lecito aspettarsi che la forza iniziale dovuta al Big Bang andasse esaurendosi col tempo, per cui l'Universo avrebbe dovuto man mano rallentare la sua espansione per effetto della forza di gravità. Invece grande fu la sorpresa quando due diversi team di scienziati (premiati recentemente con il Nobel) si accorsero che non solo non vi era alcun rallentamento, bensì l'espansione stava addirittura accelerando. Si cominciò dunque a ragionare su cosa potesse generare questa accelerazione, per cui venne introdotto il concetto di energia oscura. Una forma di energia misteriosa, che permeerebbe lo spazio-tempo, interagendo con esso e causando l'accelerazione dell'Universo.
Mappa del fondo cosmico di Microonde realizzata dalla missione PLANCK (2013) Il problema sta nel fatto che secondo la Teoria della Relatività di Einsteindire energia o massa è la stessa cosa. Stando l'accelerazione misurata, l'energia oscura costituirebbe dunque circa il 70% del contenuto dell'intero Universo, dove il 27% è dato dal termine di materia oscura e appena il 3% sarebbe la materia luminosa ordinaria di cui siamo fatti e con la quale interagiamo ogni giorno. In pratica stiamo ammettendo di non conoscere praticamente nulla del mondo in cui viviamo, visto che a tutt'oggi, cosa siano la materia e l'energia oscura rimane un mistero. Questa lunga introduzione era necessaria per comprendere la ricerca pubblicata di recente su Nature Astronomy da un gruppo di ricercatori, tra cui l'italiano Marco Raveri, e che potrebbe avere implicazioni affascinanti dal punto di vista cosmologico. Il lavoro parte dalle recenti misure effettuate sulla costante di Hubble, detta anche la costante meno costante dell'Universo. Nel corso della sua storia infatti, essa è mutata più volte, passando da un valore di circa 500 km/s/Mpc (kilometri al secondo per megaparsec) a un valore che oggi si assesta intorno ai 70 km/s/Mpc.
Edwin Hubble Il problema è che a seconda di cosa si utilizzi per misurarla, si ottengono valori diversi. Utilizzando infatti misure dell'Universo "vicino", si ottiene un valore di circa 73 km/s/Mpc. La stessa costante però può essere misurata anche per mezzo della cosiddetta radiazione di fondo cosmico. Si tratta di una radiazione a 3 kelvin che permea tutto l'Universo, e che viene considerata una sorta di eco del Big Bang. Tramite quest'ultima, il valore ottenuto per H è di 67,8 km/s/Mpc. Utilizzare la radiazione di fondo però vuol dire spingersi molto in là nell'Universo, e quindi equivale a osservare indietro nel tempo, a qualcosa come 300.000 anni dopo il Big Bang. In altre parole stiamo paragonando due valori ottenuti rispettivamente quando l'Universo era ancora "giovanissimo" e ora che di anni ne ha circa 13 miliardi. Assumendo che non vi siano errori nelle misure e nei modelli, gli autori dell'articolo hanno quindi provato a interpretare questa variazione della costante di Hubble in base a una variazione della stessa energia oscura. Energia che non sarebbe più statica, ma dinamica, ovvero che varierebbe sia nello spazio che nel tempo, andando a modificare il tasso di espansione dell'Universo e quindi, di riflesso, il valore di H.
Euclid Immagino che ora molti di voi staranno pensando quale grave disturbo mentale affligga noi astronomi per preoccuparci così tanto di una così piccola variazione di una costante. Il problema è che avere informazioni più certe su queste quantità, e in particolare sul comportamento e la natura dell'energia oscura, potrebbe portarci a capire quale sarà il destino ultimo del nostro Cosmo. L'Universo è infatti un sistema dinamico in evoluzione, e come ha avuto un inizio, potrebbe un giorno avere una fine, che dipende dal tipo di modello cosmologico che applichiamo e dai parametri che ne modificano il comportamento. Spiegare ora tutte le possibili variabili e le conseguenze che queste implicano sarebbe fuori luogo, ma vi basti sapere che se il tasso di espansione accelerata non si modificasse, anzi continuasse a crescere così com'è oggi, una delle ipotesi in campo prevede la disintegrazione dell'Universo, che verrebbe letteralmente fatto a pezzi dall'energia oscura. Ovviamente c'è da stare tranquilli, perché parliamo di miliardi e miliardi di anni da ora. Se però a un certo punto il vostro PC, dal quale state leggendo questa notizia, dovesse essere scomposto nelle sue particelle elementari, sapete con chi prendervela. Viene chiaramente da chiedersi quando avremo risposte più definitive in proposito. Come mi è già capitato di dire altre volte in passato, grandi miglioramenti su questi temi potremmo averli con la prossima generazione di strumenti, e in particolare con la missione Euclid e con l'entrata in funzione dello Square Kilometer Array (leggi anche: Telescopi spaziali del futuro, quanti esopianeti troveremo!). Antonio D'Isanto è dottorando in astronomia presso l'Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies in Germania. La sua attività di ricerca si basa sulla cosiddetta astroinformatica, ovvero l'applicazione di tecnologie e metodologie informatiche per la risoluzione di problemi complessi nel campo della ricerca astrofisica. Si occupa inoltre di reti neurali, deep learning e tecnologie di intelligenza artificiale ed ha un forte interesse per la divulgazione scientifica. Da sempre appassionato di sport, è cintura nera 2°dan di Taekwondo, oltre che di lettura, cinema e tecnologia. Siamo felici di annunciarvi che collabora con Tom's Hardware per la produzione di contenuti scientifici.
TOM'S CONSIGLIA Se l'espansione dell'Universo vi affascina ma non avete basi di astrofisica, meglio iniziare dalla Relatività. Un buon libro è Relatività. Esposizione divulgativa.
Observations of the missing baryons in the warm–hot intergalactic medium https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-018-0204-1 https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-018-05432-2?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+nature%2Frss%2Fcurrent+%28Nature+-+Issue%29 L'universo è 'completo', trovata nei gas la massa mancante http://www.ansa.it/canale_scienza_tecnica/notizie/spazio_astronomia/2018/06/20/luniverso-e-completo-trovata-nei-gas-la-massa-mancante-_566f0a47-4566-432f-a94c-8ebaaf4b605e.html
EVEN PHENOMENALLY DENSE NEUTRON STARS FALL LIKE A FEATHER 2018-07-04 | PAUL VOSTEEN https://greenbankobservatory.org/dense-neutron-stars-fall-like-a-feather/
https://chopra.com/articles/appreciating-om-the-sound-of-the-universe Appreciating OM: The Sound of the Universe By Roger Gabriel (Raghavanand)
Most of us are familiar with the mantra OM. We routinely chant it at the end of a group meditation or a yoga class, without thinking much about it. Maybe we use a mantra that begins with OM, but what does it really represent? What is the true value of this all-powerful sound? The Creation of the Universe According to Sound Science tells us that the Universe began with a big bang, whereas Vedanta says that the big bang is actually a big OM, which didn’t just happen once; it is ongoing. In fact, if the OM stopped for even a micro second, the whole Universe as we know it would disappear instantly! OM rises from Pure Consciousness, which is primary and underlies all existence, constantly unfolding as our experience of the Universe. Imagine, if you can, a time before the Universe existed. Imagine a field of Pure Consciousness, an eternal silence. Not an empty silence, but one filled with the potential for everything. At some point, Pure Consciousness decided it wanted to have an experience but, as nothing else existed, it could only experience itself. Because all experiences are based on contrast, Pure Consciousness had to move within itself to experience itself. Now, movement creates friction, and friction creates noise, so Pure Consciousness experiencing itself created a sound. However, Pure Consciousness, by definition, is silent, so this sound, which was OM, had to be forced out of the silence and became what we call conditioned consciousness. OM, or conditioned consciousness, is what we experience as the Universe in which we live. The idea that God created the world out of nothing is also central today to Islam, Christianity, and Judaism—and many references to a god creating the Universe by sound (words) exist. In the Old Testament God created through His words when He said, “Let there be Light.” The Gospel of John says, “In the beginning was the Word (the sound of OM), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God (Oneness).” The Expanding Universe As the initial vibration of OM emerges from the unmanifest, it diversifies into all the different vibrations of the Universe, which manifest as the world we know.OM therefore contains within it all the mantras, sounds, and vibrations of the Universe. Everything in the Universe is a manifestation of OM and ultimately a reflection of Pure Consciousness from which it emerged. OM is the collective sound of the Universe, the Primordial Sound. The Secret Doctrine of the Rosicrucians says, “The One becomes Many, the Unity becomes Diversity, the Identical becomes Variety, yet the Many remains One.” The Gospel of John says, “The Word became flesh” (manifest creation). In Egyptian literature the creator god pronounced the names of everything. Modern science tells us the Universe is expanding. Vedanta tells us that our Consciousness, or Awareness, expands as we grow towards Enlightenment. The Quran states, “And the heaven (space) We created with might, and indeed We are (its) expander.” If, as Vedanta tells us, the Universe is a projection of our Consciousness, then the so-called expansion of the Universe is contingent on our spiritual growth, and at the moment of our Enlightenment, the Universe will also reach the conclusion of its journey and cease to exist as a separate reality. Vedic References OM is mentioned numerous times throughout Vedic literature, most commonly in its original form of AUM. The four principle Vedas, Rig, Sama, Yajur, and Atharva, expound on the knowledge of the entire creation. It is said that all the knowledge of the four Vedas is contained in the Rig and all the knowledge of the Rig Veda is contained in its first syllable “A”. Thus by fully understanding this first syllable, which is the beginning of the mantra AUM, we can have knowledge of the entire creation. According to the ancient Puranic texts, AUM represents the union of the three main masculine deities and the forces within the Universe. “A” means Brahma (creation), “U” means Vishnu (maintenance), and “M” means Shiva (destruction). In the great Indian text the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna (the Divine) says, “Of words I am OM.” The Chandogya Upanishad opens with the recommendation to "let a man meditate on OM, the essence of all.” The Chandogya Upanishad also tells us that the gods took the song of OM unto themselves, thinking, "with this [song] we shall overcome the demons,” thus implying that OM inspires the good inclinations within each person. When speaking of OM, the Katha Upanishad says, “this syllable is Brahman (the Absolute), this syllable is the highest, he who knows that syllable, whatever he desires, is his.” The Shvetashvatara Upanishad asserts that OM is a tool of meditation that empowers one to know the God within oneself, to realize one's Atman (Soul, Self). Adi Shankara said that if you can only study one Upanishad, it should be the Mandukya, which is fortunate because it happens to be the shortest and is devoted entirely to OM. It opens by declaring, "AUM, this syllable is this whole world, all past, present, future, and whatever exists beyond time is AUM.” In other words, everything that exists in manifest creation is contained within AUM. The Mandukya Upanishad then talks about four states of consciousness: 1. The “waking state,” where the senses are turned outward, is represented by the letter “A” and by knowing this, we become masters of our senses, leading to the fulfillment of all desires and the attainment of greatness. 2. The “dream state,” where the senses are directed inward, is represented by “U” and by knowing this we master our dreams, become established in wisdom, and everyone born into our family is more deeply Brahman (highly evolved). 3. “Deep sleep,” where consciousness enjoys peace with no perception of external or internal objects, is represented by the letter “M.” The Mandukya says that by knowing this we know all, and everything merges into ourselves. In his Yoga Sutras, Patanjali says that Mmmm is the name of God, and in Psalms it says, “God gives Truth to His beloved in sleep.” 4. The fourth state described in the Mandukya Upanishad is Turiya, which we know as Transcendental Consciousness, Atman, the soundless aspect of AUM, or the “gap” between thoughts. Turiya is represented by “AUM.” Though it is indivisible, it is the combination of three sounds. The Mandukya tells us that AUM is the very Self, beyond birth and death, the symbol of everlasting Joy. He who knows it as such, enters the Self with his self. Those who know the Truth become the Truth. Chanting OM As OM is the sound of the Universe, it’s always present, so technically we can’t chant it. We cannot create OM by a chanting of it; we only produce a vibration sympathetic with the vibration that is already there, which is OM. It is not a chant made by us, created by us, or initiated by us. Rather, we establish a connection between ourselves and the Supreme Reality, which manifests itself as sound vibration in the form of OM. An alternative way of chanting OM is in its separate form. In one breath chant, “Aaaa—Uooo—Mmm,” followed by silence. The fullness of the “A” sound collapses into “U,” then “M,” and finally the silence of all three together once they have ended on the gross level. The waking, dreaming, and deep sleep states merging into the Oneness of the Absolute. When OM is part of our mantra, such as in Primordial Sound Meditation, we experience the fully expanded level of creation, attuning our individual souls to the Ultimate Reality. Listen Sometimes, if you sit very quietly, you will hear the sound of OM, like a distant cosmic hum. Listen within you; it’s not outside you, it is you. When your mind is quiet and you listen, you will hear God humming.
Da <https://chopra.com/articles/appreciating-om-the-sound-of-the-universe>