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Evolutionary Physics is based on a network of specific concepts. Terms like Force, Field, Existence, Universe, Information, Structures, Forms, etc. start with capital letters to distinguish them from the traditional scientific terminology.
Evolutionary Physics is based on a network of specific concepts. Terms like Force, Field, Existence, Universe, Information, Structures, Forms, etc. start with capital letters to distinguish them from the traditional scientific terminology.
==Fundaments of Reality==
Although I will try to avoid it for clarity, occasionally some abbreviations or acronyms may be used. Below is a list of those related to the most recurring topics.
* SO: Source of Reality (SO = [FF |*| EF])
===Fundaments of Reality===
*SO: Source of Reality (SO = [FF |*| EF])
*FF: Fundamental Force (in its two ways of expression: FF ES [or ES] and FF REL [or REL])
*FF: Fundamental Force (in its two ways of expression: FF ES [or ES] and FF REL [or REL])
*EF: Elementary Field
*EF: Elementary Field
*EE: Elementary Events (SO = [FF ES |*| EF] EE) (the most elementary form of Existence)
*EE: Elementary Events (SO = [FF ES |*| EF] -> EE) (the most elementary form of Existence)
*EA: Elementary Action (EE inhomogeneities = EA: PERT, TRASL, ROT [ROT CH and ROT SP] )
*EA: Elementary Action (EE inhomogeneities = EA: PERT, TRASL, ROT [ROT CH and ROT SP] )
*STEM: space-time (metric + gravitational) field + electromagnetic field = STEM field
*INFO: Information (= Energy, in low complexity levels of Reality) ( [FF REL |*| EA] -> INFO )
*INFO: Information (= Energy, in low complexity levels of Reality) ( [FF REL |*| EA] INFO )
*iSTR: Structures of Information
*STR: Structures of Information
*W: Waves (dynamic structures of Information)
*WS: Waves (dynamic structures of Information)
*V: Vortices (conservative structures of Information)
*VS: Vortices (conservative structures of Information)
*FORM: Essence / Form of Reality
*FORM: Essence of Reality, the Form
*FORMS: the objects of Reality
*FORMS: the objects of Reality
==Fundamental Principles==
===Fundamental Principles===
*UN: Uncertainty principle
*UN: Uncertainty principle
*AR: Action and Reaction principle
*AR: Action and Reaction principle
*MA: Minimum Action principle
*LA: Least Action principle
*RE: Relation principle
*RE: Relation principle
*EQ: Equivalence principle (distributions of el. fluctuations, mass, temperature, velocity, etc)
*EQ: Equivalence principle (distributions of el. fluctuations, mass, temperature, velocity, etc)
*IN: Individuation principle
*IN: Individuation principle
==Operators of Reality==
===Operators of Reality===
*Fundamental Operators of Reality  
*'''Fundamental Operators of Reality'''
**ES: Existential operator of Reality (the FF in its creative manifestations Existence)
**ES: Existential operator of Reality (the FF in its creative manifestations -> Existence)
**REL: Relational operator of Reality (the FF in its evolutive manifestations Essence/Form)
**REL: Relational operator of Reality (the FF in its evolutive manifestations -> Essence/Form)
*Derived Operators of Reality  
*'''Derived Operators of Reality'''
**Level of Elementary Action: PER = Perturbation, TRA = Translation, ROT = Rotation
**Level of Elementary Action: PER = Perturbation, TRA = Translation, ROT = Rotation
**Level of Information: ORG =Organization, TRF = Transformation, SEL = Selection
**Level of Information: ORG =Organization, TRF = Transformation, SEL = Selection
**Level of the Structures of Information: WAV = Wave, VOR = Vortex, INT = Interaction
**Level of the Structures of Information: WAV = Wave, VOR = Vortex, INT = Interaction
==Dynamics of Reality==
**Level of the Forms: FORM = Form, the Forms (objects, systems, etc.) that make up the Universe
===Dynamics of Reality===
*ED: Evolutionary Dynamics (it studies the Process of Formation of Reality)
*ED: Evolutionary Dynamics (it studies the Process of Formation of Reality)
*EED: Elementary Evolutionary Dynamics (part of ED that studies the most el. levels of R.) -> GR
*EED: Elementary Evolutionary Dynamics (part of ED that studies the most elementary levels of Reality)
*SED: Structures (of Information) Evolutionary Dynamics -> QM (Quantum Mechanics)
*EAED: Elementary Action Evolutionary Dynamics
*IED: Information Evolutionary Dynamics
*SED: Structures (of Information) Evolutionary Dynamics

Latest revision as of 17:51, 5 March 2025

Evolutionary Physics is based on a network of specific concepts. Terms like Force, Field, Existence, Universe, Information, Structures, Forms, etc. start with capital letters to distinguish them from the traditional scientific terminology.

Although I will try to avoid it for clarity, occasionally some abbreviations or acronyms may be used. Below is a list of those related to the most recurring topics.

Fundaments of Reality

  • SO: Source of Reality (SO = [FF |*| EF])
  • FF: Fundamental Force (in its two ways of expression: FF ES [or ES] and FF REL [or REL])
  • EF: Elementary Field
  • EE: Elementary Events (SO = [FF ES |*| EF] -> EE) (the most elementary form of Existence)
  • EA: Elementary Action (EE inhomogeneities = EA: PERT, TRASL, ROT [ROT CH and ROT SP] )
  • INFO: Information (= Energy, in low complexity levels of Reality) ( [FF REL |*| EA] -> INFO )
  • iSTR: Structures of Information
  • W: Waves (dynamic structures of Information)
  • V: Vortices (conservative structures of Information)
  • FORM: Essence / Form of Reality
  • FORMS: the objects of Reality

Fundamental Principles

  • UN: Uncertainty principle
  • AR: Action and Reaction principle
  • LA: Least Action principle
  • RE: Relation principle
  • EQ: Equivalence principle (distributions of el. fluctuations, mass, temperature, velocity, etc)
  • IN: Individuation principle

Operators of Reality

  • Fundamental Operators of Reality
    • ES: Existential operator of Reality (the FF in its creative manifestations -> Existence)
    • REL: Relational operator of Reality (the FF in its evolutive manifestations -> Essence/Form)
  • Derived Operators of Reality
    • Level of Elementary Action: PER = Perturbation, TRA = Translation, ROT = Rotation
    • Level of Information: ORG =Organization, TRF = Transformation, SEL = Selection
    • Level of the Structures of Information: WAV = Wave, VOR = Vortex, INT = Interaction
    • Level of the Forms: FORM = Form, the Forms (objects, systems, etc.) that make up the Universe

Dynamics of Reality

  • ED: Evolutionary Dynamics (it studies the Process of Formation of Reality)
  • EED: Elementary Evolutionary Dynamics (part of ED that studies the most elementary levels of Reality)
  • EAED: Elementary Action Evolutionary Dynamics
  • IED: Information Evolutionary Dynamics
  • SED: Structures (of Information) Evolutionary Dynamics

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