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== Definition ==
== Definition ==
L'Operatore Conservazione organizza la propagazione delle perturbazioni in flussi rotazionali Rotazione, che tendono a conservare le perturbazioni stesse nel Campo dell Azione Elementare. Le Azioni traslatorie, prodotte dai micro-gradienti che nel Campo costituiscono l'Azione elementare, interagendo incessantemente in ciascun punto, generano interazioni turbolente che tendono localmente alla conservazione dei micro-gradienti stessi.
Rotation is a specification of [[Conservation]]. It is '''the third fundamental [[Modes of Physical Action|mode of expression]] of the [[Elementary Action]]'''.  
Nella Dinamica del Campo dell'Azione Elementare chiamiamo "Rotazione", o Azione rotatoria.
Rotore. A livello della Realtà Fisica, ad esempio, l'Operatore Conservazione organizza la propagazione delle perturbazioni (Eventi Elementari) in flussi rotazionali Rotazione, che tendono a conservare la disomogeneità, l'anisotropia del Campo dell Azione.
d_ph_rotation Rotazione "L'Operatore Conservazione organizza la [[propagazione]] delle [[Perturbazione|perturbazioni]] in flussi rotazionali [[Rotazione]], che tendono a conservare le perturbazioni stesse nel [[Campo dell'Azione Elementare]].
In term of [[Elementary Events]], '''Rotation represents any action that tends to conserve [[Perturbation]] in the [[Elementary Field]]'''.
Le Azioni traslatorie, prodotte dai micro-gradienti che nel Campo costituiscono l’Azione elementare, interagendo incessantemente in ciascun punto, generano interazioni turbolente che tendono localmente alla conservazione dei micro-gradienti stessi.<br>
Nella Dinamica del Campo dell'Azione Elementare chiamiamo ""Rotazione"", o Azione rotatoria.<br>
Perturbations, inhomogeneities in the distributions of the intensities of the Elementary Events, the intensities of the deformations of the Elementary Field under the incessant pressure of the Fundamental Force, the products of the Elementary Events, "conserve", persist, showing rotation, chirality, vorticity in the Field.
A livello della [[Realtà Fisica]], ad esempio, l'Operatore Conservazione organizza la [[propagazione]] delle [[Perturbazione|perturbazioni]] ([[Eventi Elementari]]) in flussi rotazionali [[Rotazione]], che tendono a conservare la disomogeneità, l'anisotropia del [[Campo dell'Azione]]."
In the Dynamics of the Elementary Action we call "Rotation ", or Rotational Action, the vorticity of the perturbations, produced by the action tending to conserve inhomogeneity, in the points of expression of the action itself.
Like Perturbation, we cannot say that Rotation is something that exists, an entity. It is a phenomenon, a product of the dynamics of the inner interaction of the two aspects of the Source of Reality.
Rotation is associated with the [[Operators of Reality|Operator of Reality]] that has the same name and is the expression of the [[Fundamental Principles of Evolutionary Dynamics|Fundamental Principle]] that we call [[Principle of Conservation]] (the mutations described by the Principle of Variation, the incessant variations of the states of the Entities, the Events, always tend to conserve). The [[Operators of Reality|Operator]] Rotation organizes Perturbations, the fluctuations of the [[Acted / Fields]], in vortices of [[Action]] directed to maintain homogeneity, isotropy of the Elementary Field. The Operator Translation is responsible for the formation of '''vortices / curl''' aimed at conserve gradients (inhomogeneities, anisotropies) in the Acted / Fields.
'''Perturbation is the way in which the [[Elementary Field]] react to the [[Elementary Action]] of the [[Fundamental Force]]''', the way in which the [[Elementary Field]] receive the expression of the [[Fundamental Force]], its the product of the expression of [[Causality]] at the most elementary level of Reality. Variation is the root of the emergence of the [[Dimensionalities of Reality]] that we call [[Spatiality]] and [[Temporality]], the fundaments of [[Space]] and [[Time]].
'''Rotation is the way in which the [[Elementary Field]] reacts to the appearing of Perturbations produced by the [[Action]] of the [[Fundamental Force]]''', the way in which the Elementary Field receives the expression of the Fundamental Force, it is the product of the expression of [[Causality]]. Rotation is the root of the emergence of the [[Dimensionalities of Reality|Dimensionality of Reality]] that we call [[Temporality]], the fundament of [[Time]].
The best question with respect to Translation undoubtedly is: what conserve? '''What conserve is the inhomogeneity in the distributions of the [[Elementary Events]] and the patterns of [[Relations|correlations]] among them'''. Any departure from an homogeneous distribution of Events as any change in that distribution (and in their stochastic independence / correlation) represents a variation that tend to conserve to maintain inhomogeneity. At any level of complexity, from the most elementary to the Universe as a whole, Reality can be described as a net of more or less independent / correlated stochastic processes that conserve in the Fields.
The Modes of Action are intimately connected with the [[Dimensionalities of Reality]]: [[Physical Causality]] and [[Physical Variationality]], that produce the [[Dimensions of Physical Reality]]: [[Cause]], [[Space]] and [[Time]]. They represent three [[Operators of Physical Reality|fundamental operators]] in the [[Formation of Physical Reality]].
The Operator [[Perturbation]] can be seen as the result of expression of [[Physical Causality]], the active side of [[Physical Agency]], while [[Translation]] and [[Rotation]] can be seen as expressions of the two aspects of its passive side, [[Physical Variationality]]: [[Physical Spatiality]] and [[Physical Temporality]].
The Operator Rotation is responsible for the formation of '''curl''' in the Elementary Field, conservation of inhomogeneities, anisotropies, in the Field and their dynamics.
In vector calculus, Rotation is embodied by '''the vector operator called "Curl" (CURL or ROT)''', which represents a vector operator that describes the infinitesimal circulation of a vector field in three-dimensional Euclidean space. The curl at a point in the field is represented by a vector whose length and direction denote the magnitude and axis of the maximum circulation. The curl of a field is formally defined as the circulation density at each point of the field.
Rotation is:
*expression of the [[Principle of Least Action]]'': it describes the formation of rotational reactions (Rotation), produced by the interactions among translations and aimed at conserving inhomogeneity, or anisotropy, in the distribution of elementary fluctuations
*the root of [[Charge and electric phenomena]] and [[Spin and magnetic phenomena]]
*intimately connected with the temporal duration of Elementary Action.
== Common definition  ==
== Common definition  ==
Una rotazione è il movimento di un corpo che segue una traiettoria circolare. In due dimensioni, cioè sul piano, una figura può ruotare attorno ad un punto detto centro di rotazione; in tre dimensioni, la rotazione avviene intorno ad una retta detta asse di rotazione e più in generale, una rotazione in n dimensioni avviene attorno ad uno spazio a (n-2) dimensioni.<br>
Se il centro o l'asse di rotazione è completamente esterno all'oggetto che sta ruotando, si dice che il corpo descrive un'orbita: l'esempio tipico è quello della rivoluzione terrestre attorno al Sole. In caso contrario l'oggetto ruota su sé stesso, come farebbe una trottola. {{WpLink}}
*[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotation Rotation]
*[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotation_(mathematics) Rotation_(mathematics)]
*[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curl_(mathematics) Curl]
*[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotation_(disambiguation) Rotation_(disambiguation)]
== Description ==
== Description ==
Le Azioni traslatorie, prodotte dai micro-gradienti che nel Campo costituiscono l’Azione elementare, interagendo incessantemente in ciascun punto, generano interazioni turbolente che tendono localmente alla conservazione dei micro-gradienti stessi. Chiamiamo queste interazioni  "Rotazione" o Azione rotatoria. Questo processo, natura e espressione degli aspetti conservativi del Campo generato dalla Forza, trova la sua compiuta descrizione nel terzo principio della dinamica evoluzionistica, il Principio di Minima Azione. Esso, come detto, costituisce l’aspetto conservativo del Campo dell’Azione e da esso derivano tutte le leggi di conservazione delle grandezze fondamentali della Natura. Possiamo immaginare l’interazione delle Azioni traslatorie come processi conservativi in cui la propagazione delle perturbazioni originate dai micro-gradienti nella metrica tende a chiudersi su se stessa in regioni infinitesime di spazio. Per favorire la comprensione di quanto accade incessantemente nel Campo elementare alla scala di Planck, potremmo associare a ciascun punto l’immagine di un giroscopio di dimensioni e massa infinitesimali, che mediante la sua rotazione tende a conservare l’azione che ne ha generato il moto. Nel caso del Campo elementare, dove non esiste moto di forme materiali, ma propagazione di perturbazioni elementari della metrica, la Rotazione, in ciascun punto o ciascun dominio infinitesimo, tende a conservare l’Azione che, manifestatasi come microgradiente nelle distribuzioni delle perturbazioni della metrica, e veicolata da processi  di propagazione traslatoria, o Traslazione, attraverso l’interazione dei punti dell’intorno, tende a propagarsi in processi turbolenti "vorticosi". Tali processi vorticosi, in un dominio vuoto del Campo, tendono a dissiparsi interagendo incessantemente con l’Azione, la Traslazione e la Rotazione circostanti, in un continuo processo caotico di creazione di nuova Azione. La vorticità dei processi propagatori dell’Azione, che chiamiamo Rotazione, come abbiamo visto, trovano la loro sorgente nell’interazione tra processi traslatori, secondo una semplice legge di combinazione delle forze, o come meglio potremo dire in questo ambito, "composizione delle Azioni traslatorie". In questo senso diviene rilevante il [[Principio di Minima Azione]], che essenzialmente descrive come il percorso di propagazione delle perturbazioni della metrica, che costituiscono l’Azione elementare del Campo,  rappresenti un minimo tra tutti i percorsi possibili, e sia determinato dalla composizione delle Azioni Traslatorie che lo alimentano. Questa rappresenta la forma fondamentale di espressione di questo terzo principio della dinamica del Campo, che trova ulteriori manifestazioni a tutti i livelli della Realtà, e che risulta fondamentale per la comprensione di tutti i fenomeni naturali. Esso descrive, infatti, come ad ogni livello di complessità l’energia si conservi attraverso la scelta del percorso più efficiente. Potremmo definirlo come il principio della generale tendenza dell’Universo al risparmio dell’energia. Minimo sforzo per massimo risultato. Per ritornare alla dimensione del Campo della Azione e della dinamica elementare, potremmo dire che questo principio descrive, quindi, la natura profondamente conservativa della Forza e della sua diretta manifestazione, l’Azione elementare.
=== Rotation Sub-modes / Sub-components ===
=== Rotation:Chirality ===
==== Rotation:Chirality ====
Rotation:Chirality is the first of the two sub-modes of [[Rotation]]. It refers to chirality, the sense of circulation of [[Elementary Action]], the sense of circulation of the [[Elementary Events]] in the [[Elementary Field]]. It is the root of [[Charge and electric phenomena]].
=== Axis orientation ===
==== Rotation:AxisOrientation ====
Rotation:AxisOrientation is the second of the two sub-modes of [[Rotation]]. It refers to the spatial direction of orientation of the axis of vorticity in circulation of [[Elementary Action]], the direction of the orientation of the axis of vorticity in circulation of the [[Elementary Events]] in the [[Elementary Field]]. It is the root of [[Spin and magnetic phenomena]].
=== Charge ===
Go to the page: [[Charge and electric phenomena]]
=== Spin ===
Go to the page: [[Spin and magnetic phenomena]]
== See also ==
== See also ==
*[[Modes of Action]]
*[[Modes of Physical Action]]
*[[Modes of Cognitive Action]]
*[[Meta Perturbation - Perception]]
*[[Meta Propagation - Communication]]
*[[Meta Conservation - Storage]]
*[[Physical Action]]
*[[Elementary Action]]
*[[Cognitive Action]]
*[[Derived Action]]
*[[Derived Physical Action]]
*[[Fundamental Physical Quantities]]
*[[Fundamental Constants of Nature]]
*[[Continuity (or) and Granularity]]
*[[Dynamics of Action]]
*[[Dynamics of Physical Action]]
*[[Dynamics of Cognitive Action]]
*[[TFNR - Creation: the Dynamics of Elementary Action]]
*[[TFNR - Looking at the world - The mark of the Source: the Force in Action]]
*[[TFNR - Action and Information: the core of Reality]]
*[[TFNR - Variation, propagation, conservation: the basic functional operators of Reality]]
*[[TFNR - Evolutionary Dynamics: why, what and how in the real factory of Reality]]
*[[TFNR - Gradient, divergence, rotation: from probability distributions to differential operators]]
*[[TFNR - The Elementary Action and the fundamental principles of the Elementary Dynamics]]
*[[TFNR - Events: Action - Creation/Existence]]
*[[TFNR - Pressure to existence, resistance to variation: the Physics of Creation]]
*[[TFNR - Action: the expression of the incessant tension to existence]]
*[[TFNR - Entities]]
*[[TFNR - Sources]]
*[[TFNR - Agents / Forces]]
*[[TFNR - Events]]
*[[TFNR - Elementary Events]]
*[[TFNR - Complex Events]]
*[[TFNR - Events and Action]]
*[[TFNR - Action: the Dynamics of the Source]]
*[[TFNR - The Elementary Action]]
*[[TFNR - Perturbation – Gradient]]
*[[TFNR - Translation - Divergence]]
*[[TFNR - Rotation - Curl]]
*[[TFNR - Creation: the Dynamics of Elementary Action]]
* [[Operatori di Realtà]]
* [[Azione]]
* [[Principio di Minima Azione]]
* [[Principi fondamentali della Dinamica Evoluzionistica]]
== Units of measurement ==
== Units of measurement ==

Latest revision as of 18:58, 28 March 2021


Rotation is a specification of Conservation. It is the third fundamental mode of expression of the Elementary Action.

In term of Elementary Events, Rotation represents any action that tends to conserve Perturbation in the Elementary Field.

Perturbations, inhomogeneities in the distributions of the intensities of the Elementary Events, the intensities of the deformations of the Elementary Field under the incessant pressure of the Fundamental Force, the products of the Elementary Events, "conserve", persist, showing rotation, chirality, vorticity in the Field.

In the Dynamics of the Elementary Action we call "Rotation ", or Rotational Action, the vorticity of the perturbations, produced by the action tending to conserve inhomogeneity, in the points of expression of the action itself.

Like Perturbation, we cannot say that Rotation is something that exists, an entity. It is a phenomenon, a product of the dynamics of the inner interaction of the two aspects of the Source of Reality.

Rotation is associated with the Operator of Reality that has the same name and is the expression of the Fundamental Principle that we call Principle of Conservation (the mutations described by the Principle of Variation, the incessant variations of the states of the Entities, the Events, always tend to conserve). The Operator Rotation organizes Perturbations, the fluctuations of the Acted / Fields, in vortices of Action directed to maintain homogeneity, isotropy of the Elementary Field. The Operator Translation is responsible for the formation of vortices / curl aimed at conserve gradients (inhomogeneities, anisotropies) in the Acted / Fields.

Perturbation is the way in which the Elementary Field react to the Elementary Action of the Fundamental Force, the way in which the Elementary Field receive the expression of the Fundamental Force, its the product of the expression of Causality at the most elementary level of Reality. Variation is the root of the emergence of the Dimensionalities of Reality that we call Spatiality and Temporality, the fundaments of Space and Time.

Rotation is the way in which the Elementary Field reacts to the appearing of Perturbations produced by the Action of the Fundamental Force, the way in which the Elementary Field receives the expression of the Fundamental Force, it is the product of the expression of Causality. Rotation is the root of the emergence of the Dimensionality of Reality that we call Temporality, the fundament of Time.

The best question with respect to Translation undoubtedly is: what conserve? What conserve is the inhomogeneity in the distributions of the Elementary Events and the patterns of correlations among them. Any departure from an homogeneous distribution of Events as any change in that distribution (and in their stochastic independence / correlation) represents a variation that tend to conserve to maintain inhomogeneity. At any level of complexity, from the most elementary to the Universe as a whole, Reality can be described as a net of more or less independent / correlated stochastic processes that conserve in the Fields.

Action Physical Action Cognitive Action
Variation Perturbation Perception
Propagation Translation Communication
Conservation Rotation Storage

The Modes of Action are intimately connected with the Dimensionalities of Reality: Physical Causality and Physical Variationality, that produce the Dimensions of Physical Reality: Cause, Space and Time. They represent three fundamental operators in the Formation of Physical Reality. The Operator Perturbation can be seen as the result of expression of Physical Causality, the active side of Physical Agency, while Translation and Rotation can be seen as expressions of the two aspects of its passive side, Physical Variationality: Physical Spatiality and Physical Temporality.

The Operator Rotation is responsible for the formation of curl in the Elementary Field, conservation of inhomogeneities, anisotropies, in the Field and their dynamics.

In vector calculus, Rotation is embodied by the vector operator called "Curl" (CURL or ROT), which represents a vector operator that describes the infinitesimal circulation of a vector field in three-dimensional Euclidean space. The curl at a point in the field is represented by a vector whose length and direction denote the magnitude and axis of the maximum circulation. The curl of a field is formally defined as the circulation density at each point of the field.

Rotation is:

Common definition

Links to Wikipedia pages:


Rotation Sub-modes / Sub-components


Rotation:Chirality is the first of the two sub-modes of Rotation. It refers to chirality, the sense of circulation of Elementary Action, the sense of circulation of the Elementary Events in the Elementary Field. It is the root of Charge and electric phenomena.


Rotation:AxisOrientation is the second of the two sub-modes of Rotation. It refers to the spatial direction of orientation of the axis of vorticity in circulation of Elementary Action, the direction of the orientation of the axis of vorticity in circulation of the Elementary Events in the Elementary Field. It is the root of Spin and magnetic phenomena.


Go to the page: Charge and electric phenomena


Go to the page: Spin and magnetic phenomena

See also

Links to the related sections of the TFNR Paper
