The Evolutionary Knowledge Project





The Evolutionary Knowledge Academy



eKademy is a cultural initiative that promotes the research and the spread of the Evolutionary Knowledge, the discipline that studies the Reality in its infinite forms, in its creative and evolutionary aspects. eKademy promotes the realization of cultural events and publications. It organizes workshops where technological and artistic expressions inspired by the Evolutionary Knowledge meet to offer learning opportunities and fun.


Through the recovery of the immense cultural heritage that has developed in the rich evolution of humanity, passed down to us through philosophies, religions, esoteric teachings, through the writings and the vestiges of the civilizations that have inhabited our planet, we want to achieve a new synthesis between humanities and sciences, a unified vision of reality, able to account for the vast complexity of natural phenomena and the human world.

In an ideal ethical manifesto, eKademy promotes or supports initiatives devoted to a harmonic evolution of mankind, the protection of the fundamental human rights, the protection of living beings and nature, to the care of the planet and the space around it, to the promotion of fair economic and trade relations between people and of a carefull use of natural resources.

To encourage the development of the research and the implementation of related projects, eKademy provides numerous resources, intended to be a shared heritage in continuous growth.


Projects under way

Evolutionary Knowledge Base

Evolutionary Knowledge Base

The Evolutionary Knowledge Base project is aimed at building an online resource that can collect and organise the large amount of material produced by the author in the Evolutionary Knowledge research area, which includes, in particular, Evolutionary Physics and Metaphysics. The construction of the knowledge base is supported by the development of a semantic network, able to collect key topics, references and supporting documentation, and to facilitate access to a complex and articulated matter.

Semantic Maps

Semantic Maps

Among the most useful tools for developing, organising and access knowledge bases, a special emphasis is on semantic maps. A visual access to organized sets of topics (nodes) and relations (link) that constitute networks and systems of knowledge. As part of this project, it is currently under development a web tool for viewing and navigating semantic maps, the evTek Semantic Maps Viewer, now available in beta version.

Pico - Knowledge Dynamics

Pico - Knowledge Dynamics

Pico - Knowledge Dynamics Project promotes research in the field of study, analysis and management of the evolutionary dynamics of knowledge systems with a highly innovative approach. The project is aimed at developing new tools and methodologies for the creation, organization and sharing of knowledge, through the application of the fundamental principles of evolutionary research.

Future projects

Knowledge Functions

Knowledge Functions

From knowledge objects to knowledge functions, an evolutionary approach to the study of the cognitive functions of living beings and to the development of artificial instruments able to perform the main tasks of collecting and processing information, and to build models more appropriate to interact and support the human activity. A laboratory for building the functional blocks required for the development of new methodologies and new tools for Knowledge Management and, more generally, for application of Artificial Intelligence.

Teach a Machine

Teach a Machine

A project for the future, with important effects on the present. A project for machines, with important implications for humans. How to teach a machine, equipped with an artificial cognitive system, what is reality? For thousands of years we asked ourselves this fundamental question without finding a clear and concise answer. Finally, what a wonderful opportunity for us to teach a machine, to truly comprehend the true nature of Reality more clearly?


eKademy is proposed as a meeting place for enthusiasts and researchers of various cultural, science and humanities. A framework to stimulate a constructive debate among all creative researchers, people with innovative, non-canonical, ideas, with the potential to generate significant developments in the understanding of Reality and the Universe.


For information, or to send messages or contributions, please write to